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    Domestic Violence Lawyers in Los Angeles, CA

    At Land Legal Group, our attorneys are proud advocates against domestic violence and are prepared to counsel individuals on either side of the abuse issue to ensure their rights are upheld in the court of law. Our accomplished and skilled Los Angeles domestic violence lawyers are prepared to prosecute any offenders with fervor and dedication to providing a safe and assured outcome for our clients, their children, and other family members.

    Our Los Angeles, California, family law firm’s experience in handling domestic violence cases allows us to confidently take on any case that involves this type of abuse, creating solutions for those who are scared, threatened, or hurt by the actions of another.

    Domestic Violence Law In Los Angeles

    Understanding Domestic Violence And Abuse Cases in Los Angeles, California

    There are a number of domestic abuse allegations that can be prosecuted in Los Angeles, California, and our law firm is adept at handling each type with a personal approach to delivering results for our client’s unique needs. It is important to understand that although assault, battery, threats, and intimidation are all illegal and prosecuted as such, they are taken much more seriously when the alleged victim is a spouse, cohabitant, dating partner, or parent of the offender’s child.

    These extenuating circumstances disrupt the lives of everyone involved, and the physical and emotional toll it takes on the lives of our clients must be rectified through the legal process to empower each individual our Los Angeles domestic abuse lawyer represents to be able to move forward with positivity and self-respect.

    Domestic abuse circumstances can include, but are not limited to:

    • Physical Abuse

    Hitting, slapping, choking, pushing, kicking, or harming any other form of physically hurtful behavior

    • Financial Abuse

    Asserting financial dependence of another by applying harsh financial accountability, constraints, and penalties for unsupported spending

    • Sexual Abuse

    Pressure or forced to perform sexual acts or the unknown performance of such acts

    • Verbal Abuse

    Name-calling, diminishing your character, and yelling or screaming

    • Social Abuse

    Criticizing personal relationships, using controlling behavior or manipulative tactics that interrupt the enjoyable company of others.

    • Spiritual Abuse

    Hindering the practice of your religion of choice or any practice that keeps another from church services or religious celebrations

    • Threatening Behavior

    Breaking objects, threatening speech, and other intimidating actions

    • Unwanted Communication

    Harassing or intimidating communication through phone calls, text messages, emails, or letters

    Each Los Angeles domestic violence case is different, and extenuating circumstances can make you feel alienated in the pursuit of addressing these matters. Contacting an experienced domestic abuse lawyer near you. Land Legal Group will provide you with the reassuring counsel you need to never feel alone in addressing your domestic abuse case.

    Los Angeles Domestic Violence Statistics

    Los Angeles County confronts significant domestic violence challenges. Recent data reveals:

    • Approximately 25% of Los Angeles women and 15% of men report experiencing intimate partner violence
    • Over 40,000 domestic violence incidents are reported annually in Los Angeles
    • Domestic violence calls increased by 12% during recent challenging social periods
    • Roughly 70% of domestic violence incidents go unreported
    • Economic strain and social isolation correlate with higher domestic violence rates

    What Options Are Available For Domestic Violence Victims In Los Angeles, California?

    If you or a loved one is facing domestic violence, it is crucial to be aware of the legal protections available in Los Angeles. Restraining orders, also known as protective orders, can be obtained to prohibit the abusive party from contacting or coming near the victim. Our lawyers are helping clients secure these orders swiftly and efficiently to ensure their safety.

    Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs) are temporary orders that can be obtained in emergency situations, providing immediate protection. Once granted, these orders are typically followed by a court hearing for a more permanent solution, such as a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO). Our attorneys at Land Legal Group have extensive experience in navigating the legal process to obtain these orders promptly, offering our clients the protection they need.

    Accessing Support Services

    Beyond legal protection, domestic violence victims in Los Angeles have access to a range of support services. Local organizations and shelters provide a safe haven for those seeking refuge from abusive environments. These organizations often offer counseling, therapy, and resources to help victims rebuild their lives. Our domestic violence attorneys in Los Angeles work closely with these support services to create a comprehensive strategy for our clients, addressing both their legal and emotional needs.

    Restraining Orders and Protective Measures

    One immediate option available to victims is obtaining a restraining order. Our lawyers are well-versed in the legal processes surrounding restraining orders, ensuring swift and effective action to safeguard you from further harm. We guide you through the steps required to obtain these crucial protective measures, providing the legal support you need during this challenging time.

    How Will Domestic Violence Affect My Family Law Cases?

    Domestic violence can have profound implications on family law cases, particularly those involving divorce, child custody, and spousal support. Courts take allegations of domestic violence seriously, and such incidents can significantly influence the outcome of these cases. Victims may have a stronger case for obtaining sole custody of their children, and the abusive party may be required to attend anger management or counseling programs.

    Domestic violence significantly impacts family law proceedings, particularly in cases involving:

    Courts prioritize child safety, often implementing:

    • Supervised visitation
    • Restricted custody arrangements
    • Mandatory intervention programs
    • Protection orders

    Documented domestic violence can substantially influence judicial decisions, potentially limiting an abusive partner’s:

    • Custody rights
    • Financial settlements
    • Future legal standing in Family Court

    Evidence of domestic violence may include:

    • Police reports
    • Medical documentation
    • Witness testimonies
    • Electronic communication records
    • Psychological evaluation reports

    False Allegations in Domestic Violence Cases

    Our attorneys also know that false allegations of domestic violence may be brought to court for the sole purpose of harming the integrity and character of the alleged opposing party. These instances are common in divorce proceedings, child custody cases, and other extenuating family law cases that deliver heated exchanges and complicated circumstances.

    At Land Legal Group, our lawyers will not tolerate the manipulation of the courts under false pretenses and are prepared to defend anyone who is being held liable under these circumstances. At Land Legal Group, we will provide consultations to anyone who is a victim of domestic violence or false allegations of domestic abuse.

    Why You Should Hire a Domestic Violence Lawyer in Los Angeles?

    Navigating the legal process during an abusive relationship can be overwhelming. Having a skilled domestic violence lawyer in Los Angeles by your side can significantly ease the burden. Here’s how our team can assist you:

    Immediate Protection: We can help you secure emergency protective orders quickly, ensuring that you and your loved ones are safe from further harm.

    Legal Advice: Understanding your rights can be complicated. Our domestic violence attorneys will provide clear, actionable advice based on your specific situation.

    Court Representation: Whether you need to attend hearings for a restraining order, child custody, or criminal proceedings, we will be by your side, advocating for your rights in the courtroom.

    Confidentiality and Support: We understand the sensitive nature of domestic violence cases and will handle your situation with the utmost discretion, ensuring that your privacy is protected throughout the process.

    Comprehensive Legal Solutions: Whether you are seeking a divorce, custody arrangements, or financial support, we can help you navigate the legal system and get the results you need to move forward.

    Choose Land Legal Group Today

    Why Choose Land Legal Group for Your Domestic Violence Case?

    Client-Centered Advocacy: We prioritize your safety and goals while navigating the legal system on your behalf.

    In-Depth Knowledge of California Law: Our familiarity with Los Angeles courts and California’s domestic violence statutes allows us to provide tailored legal strategies.

    Comprehensive Support: From restraining orders to criminal defense, we address all aspects of domestic violence cases under one roof.

    A Dedicated Approach to Countering Domestic Violence In Los Angeles, California

    No matter how you define it, domestic abuse is a serious issue. Men, women, and children are suffering each day from the terror and intimidation tactics of domestic violence attackers. At our law firm, our domestic abuse attorneys have the experience necessary to produce solutions to help you move forward with life without abuse.

    Although domestic violence is a prevalent problem, no two cases are the same. If someone has hurt you or is threatening to hurt you, our domestic violence attorney wants to help you heal by holding him or her responsible for their behavior. We want to ensure that your entire family is safe in the future by providing the one thing each victim of domestic abuse needs: A law firm they can count on.

    At Land Legal Group, our family law firm in Los Angeles, CA, also focuses on the following practice areas:

    Contact Our Los Angeles Domestic Abuse Attorneys Today For a Consultation

    If you feel that your safety is in jeopardy in any way or that your character is being assassinated as a result of false domestic violence allegations, contact our Los Angeles family law attorney at Land Legal Group in Los Angeles, California, today by calling 310-552-3500 schedule a consultation. We will help you build a unique plan to safely move forward with your life.

    Related Links:

    Land Legal Group

    1900 Avenue of the Stars Suite 1850, Los Angeles, CA 90067

    Phone: 310-552-3500

    Frequently Asked Questions for our Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyers

    Domestic abuse can begin subtly, with signs like verbal aggression, control attempts, or isolation. Recognizing these early warning signals is crucial. More often than not people miss the early warning signs when it is easier to get out.

    If you feel as though you are being isolated from your friends or family or if your loved one is constantly putting you down, you may want to ask for help. If you suspect abuse, seek help promptly from local resources and authorities.

    Our domestic abuse lawyers know that it is difficult to escape an abusive relationship without help from personal and professional support systems and services. These are very dangerous circumstances and attempts to leave may require law enforcement intervention. If you are in immediate danger, call the police or enlist help from passersby (if you are in public).

    Once you are safe, document any injuries or property damage in writing, and with pictures, if you have a cellphone or camera available. Next, contact our domestic violence attorney in Los Angeles to learn more about your legal rights and options to file a domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) in family court which, with the proper evidence and legal representation, may stay in effect for up to five years.

    Express concern without judgment, listen actively, and encourage professional help from local domestic violence hotlines. Respect their choices, assist in safety planning, and provide information on shelters, legal aid, and counseling services. Approach with empathy and encourage seeking help from specialized professionals.

    Our Los Angeles domestic abuse attorneys help eligible parties pursue domestic violence restraining orders to help keep them, and/or their children, safe.

    You may be eligible to file a DVRO if a person has abused or threatened to abuse you and you have a close relationship with that person. Close relationships include individuals who are married or registered domestic partners, divorced or separated, dating or used to date, living together or used to live together — as more than just roommates — parents who share a child together, or those who are closely related, including parents, children, siblings, grandparents, or in-laws.

    If you are being abused or threatened with abuse and have a close relationship with the person who is harming you, contact a domestic violence lawyer near you for help.

    Our Los Angeles domestic violence attorney discusses each way a DVRO impacts our clients’ lives, and what the result of an approved order means to their life going forward.

    A DVRO is a court order that can require the restrained person to not contact or go near you, your children, other relatives, pets, or others who live with you. Stay away from your home, work, or your children’s schools. Move out of your house, and release or return certain property. Follow child custody and visitation orders. Pay child support. Pay spousal or partner support.

    Transfer the rights to a cellphone number and account to the protected person, pay certain bills, and not make any changes to insurance policies, incur large expenses, or do anything significant to affect your or the other person’s property, and complete a 52-week batterer intervention program while forfeiting their right to carry a firearm.

    Contact our domestic violence lawyer today to discuss your specific needs, so we can pursue a DVRO that helps you move forward with confidence.

    To file a restraining order, visit the Los Angeles County Superior Court, obtain necessary forms, complete them with detailed information, and submit to the courthouse clerk. If approved, attend a hearing, and if granted, ensure proper service of the order by law enforcement or a process server.


    Our Los Angeles domestic abuse lawyers know that being convicted of any crime can hinder your ability to get custody of your children. When the California family courts determine child custody, the primary consideration is the best interests of the children. To be eligible to provide that stability, you must show that you have successfully completed batterer’s treatment, drug or alcohol counseling, probation or parole, and that you are financially and emotionally secure to provide a safe environment for your kids.

    Contact our domestic violence attorney to learn about your legal rights and options to pursue visitation and/or child custody, so you can start adding to the value of your kids’ lives.

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