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    Understanding the Legal Rights of Unmarried Parents in California Custody and Support Cases

    In California, unmarried parents have the same legal rights and responsibilities regarding child custody and support as married parents. However, because they do not have the legal framework of marriage

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    Calculating Child Support in California: What Factors Matter Most?

    In California, child support calculations follow a specific formula set forth by state law to ensure fairness and consistency. Understanding how these calculations work and the factors that influence the final amount

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    What is Considered Income When Calculating Child Support in California?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know that once child custody agreements are finalized during the proceedings, the next order of business is determining the amount

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    Navigating the Complex Requirements for a Relocation Petition in California

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know that when our clients share minor children with their soon-to-be-ex-spouses, the details of their dissolution become much more involved. We also

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    How Does Remarrying Affect Child Support Payments in California?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys believe that, despite how it may feel during the initial proceedings, it is not the end of the world when parents dissolve

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    Tips for Increasing Emotional Security for Children Before, During & After a California Divorce

    At the Land Legal Group, our experienced Los Angeles divorce attorneys understand that our California clients have so much on their plates when deciding to dissolve their marriages, including an emotional journey filled

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    Can My Ex-Spouse Really Take Our Kids from Me?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys regularly meet with clients who are terrified their soon-to-be or already ex-spouse is going to take their children away. Why? Because that

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    What Happens if I Do Not Pay Child Support in California?

    During California divorce proceedings that involve children, child custody will either be agreed upon by the parents or ordered by the court. Once custody is established, the next factor is to determine the

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    How Do I Know if My Child Support is Fair?

    At the Land Legal Group, our divorce attorneys in Los Angeles understand that when a marriage comes to an end, child custody is often the leading emotional factor. When parents

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    If I Have Joint Custody, Do I Still Have to Pay Child Support?

    Joint physical custody is a child custody agreement that grants both parents the responsibility of day-to-day care of their child(ren) after a divorce or separation. Since joint custody refers to

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