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    What is the Difference Between Contested and Uncontested Divorce in California?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know that unless our clients have dissolved a marriage before, they may not have any idea about what to expect during the

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    Important Details to Include in Your California Parenting Plan

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know that when couples share minor children, there are endless details they must consider when dissolving their marriages. Since divorce is never

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    Do Allegations of Domestic Abuse Affect Child Custody in California?

    At the Land Legal Group, our divorce attorneys in Los Angeles know countless marital details can affect the outcome of your case inside and outside the courtroom. However, none may be

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    How Does Remarrying Affect Child Support Payments in California?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys believe that, despite how it may feel during the initial proceedings, it is not the end of the world when parents dissolve

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    Tips for Increasing Emotional Security for Children Before, During & After a California Divorce

    At the Land Legal Group, our experienced Los Angeles divorce attorneys understand that our California clients have so much on their plates when deciding to dissolve their marriages, including an emotional journey filled

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    Divorcing a Spouse Who is Also a Business Partner in California

    At the Land Legal Group, our skilled divorce attorneys in Los Angeles have guided our California clients through difficult circumstances that they never thought would unfold during their relationships, and know some of

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    The Advantages of Embracing a Prenuptial Agreement in California

    Our experienced Los Angeles family law attorneys at the Land Legal Group have watched closely as divorce and child custody trends have shifted over the past decade. While there are still high-conflict divorces that unfold

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    Can My Ex-Spouse Really Take Our Kids from Me?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys regularly meet with clients who are terrified their soon-to-be or already ex-spouse is going to take their children away. Why? Because that

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    What Happens to the Marital Debt During a California Divorce?

    At the Land Legal Group, our divorce attorneys in Los Angeles know that property division is an important part of the marriage dissolution process, and can often lead to many disagreements about

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    Is There a Mandatory Waiting Period for Divorces in California?

    At the Land Legal Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know that once spouses have settled on dissolving their marriages, the process seemingly cannot happen fast enough. Starting over takes courage, and

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